We have immediately available thousands of beautiful hotels, beautiful accommodations facilities of non-hotel type and beautiful real estate properties, which were carefully evaluated and selected, ready to be bought in blocks of different sizes, value, quality, features, etc… or also individually or one by one, for investment or for other purposes.
The selling prices of hotels and real estate properties in Italy are currently attractive, convenient and affordable for Investors and Buyers.
The current low real estate prices in Italy are a temporary and contingent market anomaly and guarantee investors who make investments excellent capital gains in the medium term resulting from their physiological and natural increase in value.
In Italy, the data relating to tourist flows, relating to the number of tourists, relating to the presence of tourists, expressed both in quantity and in value, are constantly and continuously increasing.
In Italy, the hotel and non-hotel sector and, in general, the tourism industry are undergoing great change and evolution and are driving the economy, growth and development and are particularly important.
In Italy there are companies and businesses in the tourism and hotel sector of all sizes, dimensions and types, which:
- are widespread in all geographical areas of the country, for examples sea, mountains, cities, towns, hills, thermal areas, lakes, single islands and archipelagos of islands, volcanoes, rivers, lagoons, etc.
- are hugely different and heterogeneous from each other, means and represents beauty and this is one of the main key success factors of companies operating in the hotel and tourism sector and allows to fully and always satisfy the multiple needs and all possible requests of customers.
In Italy are present and operational:
- over 33,000 hotels classified from one to five stars.
- over 300,000 non-hotel type accommodations facilities classified as follow: B&B, agritourisms, farms, country residences, manor houses, villas, hotels, ancient villages and historical, apartments, residences, campsites, tourist villages, rented accommodation managed in entrepreneurial form, youth hostels, holiday homes, mountain shelters and other accommodation facilities n.c.a. (not classified elsewhere). Source: ISTAT.
The hotel sector and the non-hotel sector are converging with each other, are naturally complementary and currently are intensifying the process of convergence and, in the medium term, there will be a single hotel sector, with different types of structures and buildings.
In Italy the hotels are not large, the average production capacity is around 35 rooms therefore, for example, if you want to buy a 150 rooms hotel you can get the same result by buying three 50 rooms hotels in the same place because, for many reasons, it is very difficult and complicated and expensive to build new large hotels. This reasoning can be extended in quantity and in value.
An investment and a purchase in Italy are of great value.
In Italy you find everything, at the highest levels: culture, art, history, archeology, architecture, traditions, extraordinary and enlightened characters, artists and inventors, places, museums, events, music, food and wine, excellence, design, fashion, sea, sun, climatic conditions, mountains, lakes, natural thermal areas and spas, single islands and archipelagos of islands, volcanoes, rivers, lagoons, countryside, hills, cities, and many other excellences and wonders, often unique in the world.
Italy is chosen each year by over 58 million tourists and is a safe and welcoming country.
Italy is the fifth country in the world as a tourist destination.
Italy counts the greatest number of monuments, artistic and gastronomic beauties.
In Italy, the real estate properties value is at an all time low, so an investment is now very profitable in the short and medium term.
The total real estate assets of Italy is one of the largest real estate assets in the world and its value, estimated conservatively, is equal to approximately 6,250 billion euros (6.25 trillion euros), equivalent to about 3.8 times the value of the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
The real estate sector and the hotel and tourism sector are the two most important Italian economic sectors, they are safe, they are stable, they are driving, they are transforming themselves, they are the object of important investments. and the expected trend for the coming years is positive.
Italy has had a great history.
The whole history of the world and all the civilizations of the last 2,500 years have developed from Italy and following what happened in Italy.
The Roman Empire was the first and largest and true world superpower and the center of the Empire was Rome.
The magnitude and importance of Italy on a world level descends from the Roman Empire.
Italy has had great architects, engineers, artists, inventors, ecc. who have realized, over the centuries and millennia, many wonderful masterpieces of real estate architecture, which are present in all the more than 8,000 Italian municipalities, from the smallest to the medium and large cities.
What is offered for sale are hotels, accommodations facilities of non-hotel type and real estate properties:
- excellent and immediately available (some are operational and active, others are not), already selected to be evaluated and bought by anyone who wants to buy them.
- perfect for creating and building, for example, a real estate fund or other similar financial product, the first real estate fund in the Italian hotel sector.
- with immediate and secure revenues, consisting of rental fees for the rental of buildings where businesses and companies carry out business activities.
- with a return on invested capital (ROI) of more than 20% per year and, in addition, the capital gain relating to the increase in the prices of real estate properties in Italy.
The total present value of our portfolio / catalog of hotels and non-hotel accommodation facilities is greater than two billion euros, which is made up of:
value of real estate properties + value of hotel enterprise and value of non-hotel type enterprise
the price of each hotel and of each non-hotel type accommodation facility is unique and include the real estate properties value and the hotel business enterprise or of the non-hotel type business enterprise value
Real estate properties + Hotel companies = a SINGLE PRICE to simplify the investment and the successful conclusion of business and of buying and selling transactions
We represent in Italy:
- the Owners of several hundred / thousands of hotels and non-hotel type accommodations facilities
- the Owners of land, of buildings, of real estate properties in general and of real estate development projects
Our portfolio / catalog contains for sale only hotels and non-hotel type accommodation facilities with the related real estate properties.
The portfolio / catalog is constantly evolving and is progressively increasing, both quantitatively and qualitatively. The goal is to build a portfolio / catalog of over 3,000 objects / entities for sale.
Don’t miss this great opportunity. Now is the right time to invest and make money in Italy.
VISIT www.hotelsandpropertiesinitalyforsale.com FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THE PROJECT
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We are looking for Investors and Buyers, professionals and privates, from all categories and sectors, who are or could be interested in investing and buying in Italy hotel enterprise and non-hotel type enterprise and real estate properties.
We like to enter in contact with company owners, company CEOs, entrepreneurs, wealthy people, company managers and company directors, Investment funds, pension funds, investment banks, merchant banks, real estate funds, business banks, private investors, hotel chains that want to enter in the sector in Italy, operators of the tourism and hotel sector who wish to enter the Italian market, corporations that want to invest and diversify, private customers, potential customers, other types of subjects and anyone is interested.
The great knowledge of the Italian hotel industry allows us to realize research to satisfy specific requests from investors and buyers.
We have Hotels and Extra Hotel Accommodation Facilities of almost all sizes, in multiple states and conditions, and the portfolio / catalog is constantly evolving and is progressively increasing, both quantitatively and qualitatively. The goal is to build a portfolio / catalog of over 3,000 objects / entities for sale.
We have designed and are implementing a unique and innovative project, which no one has ever tried to achieve and to implement until now.
The HOTELSANDPROPERTIESINITALIFORSALE project is very interesting and the operating scenarios are manifold.
The primary objective of the project is to propose and offer on the world markets an interesting and attractive operation, for its maximum potential dimensions, for its maximum potential value and for the economic sector: the sale in blocks of hotels, of extra hotels accommodation facilities and of real estate properties. The success of the project is related to the number and the size of the blocks that will be sold. The secondary objectives of the project are a natural consequence of the primary objectives.
We have worked for over two year to create the current portfolio / catalog and continue to work to develop it in quantity and in value.
We have done a long and hard work of preparation, we have personally met hundreds of entrepreneurs and of owners and currently we can be included among the leading experts and specialists in the hotel and real estate sector in Italy.
We have over 2,000,000,000 euros real estate properties value, ready to be used to create a financial product like a real estate funds, the first real estate fund in the Italian hotel sector.
Almost all real estate properties immediately can generate revenues over 20% per year that are made up of the rent paid by the hotel companies that use them.
We have Hotels and Extra Hotel Accommodation Facilities to create the largest Italian hotel chain because in Italy only about 4% of hotels are part of hotel chains and the largest hotel chain in Italy currently groups only 149 hotels, therefore the subject who buy at least 150 hotels can qualify as the owner of the largest Italian hotel chain.
We have Hotels and Extra Hotel Accommodation Facilities to create small, medium, large and very large hotel chains.
VISIT www.hotelsandpropertiesinitalyforsale.com FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THE PROJECT
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With us you can select and choose the hotels and the accommodation facilities of non-hotel type that interest you, that you like, that you want to buy and that interest you as an investment.
Investors and Buyers will be provided professional consultancy and assistance complete at 360°, high level skills and professionalism, security and transparency, confidentiality and a direct and personal relationship, and total guarantee for any type of purchase and investment, of any size and value, small (hundreds of thousands of Euro), medium (millions of Euro), large (tens of millions of Euro), very large (hundreds of millions and billions of Euro), etc., up to the completion of operations.
Our organization will provide administrative, technical, fiscal, legal, etc. support. and total guarantee on the conclusion of every operation and every business, with satisfaction and positively for all the parties involved.
We can also work with and on specific tasks and adapt to the needs of your business or business plan.
If we do not have what you are interested in, we can find it only and specifically for you.
Inform us of your investment objectives and of your purchase intentions and of your desires and we can advise you and guide you during your decision-making process.
VISIT www.hotelsandpropertiesinitalyforsale.com FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THE PROJECT
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VISIT www.hotelsandpropertiesinitalyforsale.com FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THE PROJECT
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